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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 articles tagged with: microSD

Pick a Memory Card, but Not Just Any Memory Card

Autor: Carolyn Ivans | Ultima atualização: 10/23/2020 | Comentários: 0

pick a memory card, but not just any memory card

You may already know that you can add external data storage to your data logger with flash-memory cards. But do you know what kind of card you need—or if you even need one? In this article, I’ll answer these and other memory card questions. In... Leia mais

Answers to 5 Common Questions about Storing Data to Memory Cards

Autor: Carolyn Ivans | Ultima atualização: 10/22/2020 | Comentários: 5

answers to 5 common questions about storing data to memory cards

You may use CompactFlash or microSD memory cards for external storage of your data logger data, but are you using your cards correctly? In this article, I’ll answer some common questions you may have about memory card usage. Recommended for You: If you haven’t done... Leia mais