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HMP155 RS485 w/CR1000X

mandachuva Jul 16, 2019 03:24 PM


I'm trying to connect a Vaisala HMP155, RS485 output, to a CR1000X.

Is there any documentation available of the wiring and/or program?

Thanks in advance!

JDavis Jul 16, 2019 09:20 PM

 I found this code for a CR6. To use it on a CR1000X, you should just have to move it to ComC5 or ComC7.

'CR6 Series Datalogger

'Vaisala Cable

'Pink          C2      RS485 B
'Brown         C1      RS485 A
'Red           G
'Blue          12V
'Black/clear   Ground

'White, Yellow, Green, Brown NOT used.

'Default HMP155A RS485 settings are 4800,E,7,1

Public NBytesReturned As Long
Public SerialIndest As String * 26
Public RHArray(2) As String
Alias RHArray(1)=RH
Alias RHArray(2)=TempC
Public String_1 As String
Public String_2 As String
Const CRLF=CHR(13)+CHR(10)

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Table1,1,-1)
  DataInterval (0,15,Min,10)
  Average (1,TempC,FP2,False)
  Sample (1,RH,FP2)

'Main Program (for HMP155A configured for 4800 baud, E,7,1)
  SerialOpen (ComC1,4800,10,0,53,4) ' buffer = 2*number of bytes + 1
  ' C1/C2 configured for RS485 half duplex transparent 4800,7,E,1

  'Strings to start serial output
  String_1 = "SMODE RUN"+CRLF ' set SMODE to "RUN"
  String_2 = "R"+CRLF ' send "R" to start serial output

  'Instructions to enable RS485 serial output

  SerialOut (ComC1,String_1,"RUN",3,100) 'send String_1, wait for 'RUN' response
  Delay (0,500,mSec)
  SerialOut (ComC1,String_2,"RH",3,100) 'send String_2

  Scan (10,Sec,0,0)
    'Get serial string from sensor
    SerialInRecord (ComC1,SerialIndest,00,25,&H0D0A,NBytesReturned,00) '&H0D0A = CRLF
    'Parse RH and temp from string
    SplitStr (RHArray(1),SerialIndest,"=",2,0)
    CallTable Table1


aps Jul 18, 2019 09:19 AM

Also see Appendix C of our HMP155A manual (https://s.campbellsci.com/documents/us/manuals/hmp155a.pdf) which gives an example and debugging info for the RS485 connection.    This is for the CR1000 and uses an MD485 as the RS485 interface.   Please note an RS485 cable from Campbell Scientific will have different conductor colouring than one supplied by Vaisala.

mandachuva Jul 24, 2019 08:09 AM


Thanks a lot for the suggestions!
Worked perfectly!

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