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Set time on CR216 from cr6 with RF radio 416

SebastienLisah Jul 20, 2018 09:49 AM


my system is : 

- 1 CR6 with RF416 and 1 CR216.

I would like set the time on my CR216 by programation. I would like recover the time in the public table on CR6 with function GetValue (or other???)

I try GetValue (Reponse,Time,1,"Public.Timestamp",1,100,100,00000) or GetValue (Reponse,Time,1,"Time stamp",1,100,100,00000) and it doesn't work.

Is it possible to recover time in public table on CR6 with RF? And if yes, how is it possible.


SebastienLisah Jul 20, 2018 09:58 AM

For additional,

After recover the time, i would like try function "RealTime" on the CR216.

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