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CR1000 with slow scan stopped (OS32.02)

smile Apr 18, 2018 06:17 PM


preliminarily, what could be the reasons why slow scan is no longer performed, without annotations of skipped slow scan or other errors?

On a met station the slow scan has stopped, it has been from some days, after it has worked well for many hours. The block is repeated constantly, twice after being programmed and also on a logger in the test laboratory.

In the same way it stops, after the same hours.

In the meantime, if anyone has suggestions, I try to make a simpler program easier and easier to read.

Many thanks



Sam Apr 23, 2018 01:45 AM

Reasons include:

(1) Scan() count parameter is not equal 0

(2) Scan includes an ExitScan

smile May 22, 2018 05:25 AM


unfortunately the situation is complicated and neither of the 2 suggested instructions are used.
With delay and slowness we are doing tests to understand.

In reality it has been discovered that the slow table is not stopped but is continuing to turn, in fact there are no skipped slow scan errors and some variables are updated, but the slow scan does not end and does not pass to the next.

we continue the tests to understand where the error is.



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