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SDI-12 lockup with CR6

GeoffreyCarlin Nov 23, 2017 08:44 PM

We are using a Vaisala WXT536 weather station and have had issues with it where it stops communicating via SDI-12 with the CR6 dataloggers. The communication stops anywhere between a couple of days to a few weeks just before sunrise each morning between 5:00am and 5:30am. Battery voltages during this time look fine and there seems to be no other apparent reason for the problem. The Vaisala's SDI-12 is via C1 on the CR6 and it is powered by the 12V port on the logger (ie it is not switched currently although this would be a solution to the problem). 

These sites are remote but resending the logger program fixes the problem. Why? Does resending the program reset the data logger? 

Searching though the forum, reseting the CR6 may also work and we could test for the problem in the program and then send a SetStatus("FullMemReset",-98765). Could doing this though potentially lock up the CR6, requiring a power cycle (and site visit) to fix the problem?

Any thought appreciated.

JDavis Nov 27, 2017 04:38 PM

What OS version is on the CR6?

Shanks.J Mar 19, 2020 02:51 AM

Hi There,
we are having the same issue in 2020 with our weather stations, we are finding that a power cycle of the weather station fixes the issue no problem, and does not require a reset of the datlogger itself. 
we are looking at creating a code using the switched 12V to power cycle every 24 hours but this is less than ideal.

how did you get on fixing this issue? i realise it was back in 2017!


Bluegrass Mar 19, 2020 01:24 PM
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