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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 articles tagged with: CR850

How to Monitor Your Campbell Cellular Modem Data Usage: Part 2

Autor: Nathanael Wright | Ultima atualização: 02/07/2019 | Comentários: 5

how to monitor your campbell cellular modem data usage: part 2

In this blog article, we’ll look at how to monitor your data usage using serial commands with our external CELL2XX series of cellular modules using the CR800, CR850, CR1000, and CR3000 dataloggers. (If you have a CR300, CR310, CR6, or CR1000X datalogger, you'll want to... Leia mais

New Product Support: Kipp & Zonen’s RaZON+

Autor: Matt Perry | Ultima atualização: 01/17/2018 | Comentários: 0

new product support: kipp & zonen’s razon+

During 2017, I was asked several times for a data logger program to retrieve data from Kipp & Zonen’s new RaZON+, a compact-sized dual-axis sun tracker with integrated GPS, smart pyrheliometer, and shaded smart pyranometer. The RaZON+ touts a higher accuracy approach to obtaining solar... Leia mais

Available Security Measures for Internet-Connected Data Loggers

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 12/07/2016 | Comentários: 2

available security measures for internet-connected data loggers

The Internet of Things offers a lot of advantages in today’s culture. There are consumer devices that let you monitor and control mood lighting and music in your home, keep track of last week’s leftover dinner in your refrigerator, and help you brew a cup... Leia mais

6 Steps to Easily Parse Data from a Trusted Source

Autor: Gary Roberts | Ultima atualização: 03/02/2016 | Comentários: 1

6 steps to easily parse data from a trusted source

Would it be helpful to include data from a reputable source with your own data? If you have permission to use another source’s data for free or by agreement, how can you easily extract the specific data you want to use without doing a lot... Leia mais

How to Find and Insert Characters Using a Keyboard Display

Autor: Janet Albers | Ultima atualização: 05/29/2015 | Comentários: 0

how to find and insert characters using a keyboard display

A keyboard display, such as the external CR1000KD or on-board display of the CR850 and CR3000, is a powerful tool you can use in the field. A keyboard display enables you to interrogate and program a data logger independent of other telecommunication links. Most keys on... Leia mais