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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 articles tagged with: RF

Tips to Troubleshoot and Optimize Large RF Networks: Part 2

Autor: Nathanael Wright | Ultima atualização: 12/20/2023 | Comentários: 1

tips to troubleshoot and optimize large rf networks: part 2

In this blog article, I’ll share with you the next five tips (6 through 10) that you can use to help troubleshoot your radio frequency (RF) networks. This is the second article in our three-part series. If you missed my first article or want to... Leia mais

Tips to Troubleshoot and Optimize Large RF Networks: Part 1

Autor: Nathanael Wright | Ultima atualização: 10/31/2023 | Comentários: 0

tips to troubleshoot and optimize large rf networks: part 1

In this blog article, and the next two in the series, I’m going to share with you some tips you can use to help troubleshoot your radio frequency (RF) networks. In large RF networks, it can be challenging to achieve reliable spread-spectrum radio communications. (For our... Leia mais

Line of Sight: More than Meets the Eye

Autor: Travis McKissack | Ultima atualização: 07/21/2016 | Comentários: 0

line of sight: more than meets the eye

When it comes to designing an RF (radio frequency) telemetry link, many people know that you need to ensure that there is an unobstructed line-of-sight (LOS) between the transmitting and receiving antennas. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that there is more to this seemingly obvious... Leia mais

Understanding the Ins and Outs of RF Connectors

Autor: Sam Utley | Ultima atualização: 03/30/2016 | Comentários: 4

understanding the ins and outs of rf connectors

While you may have no problem identifying which standard polarity RF connectors are pin (male) or socket (female), do you find it difficult to identify the gender of reverse polarity connectors? If so, don’t worry. You are certainly not alone. In addition to the gender... Leia mais