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Displaying 21 - 28 of 28 articles

The Internet of Things (IoT) – Doing Our “Thing” Since Y2K

Autor: Dana Worley | Ultima atualização: 09/28/2016 | Comentários: 2

the internet of things (iot) – doing our “thing” since y2k

We all remember the year 2000 as the year that The World As We Know It would come to an end. Computer systems were predicted to come crashing down on January 1, leaving in their wake failing infrastructure that would affect millions of lives. In... Leia mais

Line of Sight: More than Meets the Eye

Autor: Travis McKissack | Ultima atualização: 07/21/2016 | Comentários: 0

line of sight: more than meets the eye

When it comes to designing an RF (radio frequency) telemetry link, many people know that you need to ensure that there is an unobstructed line-of-sight (LOS) between the transmitting and receiving antennas. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that there is more to this seemingly obvious... Leia mais

Understanding the Ins and Outs of RF Connectors

Autor: Sam Utley | Ultima atualização: 03/30/2016 | Comentários: 4

understanding the ins and outs of rf connectors

While you may have no problem identifying which standard polarity RF connectors are pin (male) or socket (female), do you find it difficult to identify the gender of reverse polarity connectors? If so, don’t worry. You are certainly not alone. In addition to the gender... Leia mais

4 Tips to Successfully Run an MD485 Network with Extreme Cable Lengths

Autor: Andrew Sandford | Ultima atualização: 12/23/2015 | Comentários: 0

4 tips to successfully run an md485 network with extreme cable lengths

Do you have a network of devices, connected using MD485 interfaces, so spread out that extremely long cables are required? Are you worried that the distances, and resultant cable lengths, may be causing communication problems? In this brief article, we’ll look at four tips that... Leia mais

How to Access and Control Your Raven Modem via TCP/IP

Autor: Gary Roberts | Ultima atualização: 12/09/2015 | Comentários: 1

how to access and control your raven modem via tcp/ip

Have you ever wanted the ability to control your Raven cellular modem with your data logger? Would it be nice to be able to get data on the health of your cellular modem and its data network? Maybe you even want to reset your Raven... Leia mais

Why Modbus Matters: An Introduction

Autor: Paul Smart | Ultima atualização: 09/02/2015 | Comentários: 0

why modbus matters: an introduction

You may have heard of Modbus (a widely used communications protocol), but do you know why it is often used with Campbell Scientific data loggers? Do you know how to use Modbus for communication between your data loggers and other Modbus-capable devices? Modbus is just one... Leia mais

4 Ways to Make Your Data More Secure

Autor: Jacob Davis | Ultima atualização: 07/15/2015 | Comentários: 0

4 ways to make your data more secure

Your data is valuable, and sometimes that value is reduced if unauthorized users have access to it. For this reason, Campbell Scientific data loggers have numerous methods of restricting access to your data. This article is an overview of four available methods for securing your... Leia mais

6 Common Communication Problems Involving Serial Connections

Autor: Jacob Davis | Ultima atualização: 05/29/2015 | Comentários: 9

6 common communication problems involving serial connections

Your data logger may record great data, but if you can't retrieve it, the data isn’t going to do you much good. To ensure your successful data retrieval, it’s essential that you can troubleshoot possible problems that may arise with PC-to-data-logger communication over a serial... Leia mais